For the final project idea I wanted to have an opportunity to experiment with sound and noise to gain some basic knowledge on the topic.

I originally did some research around “colored” noises - various noise spectrums referring to the power spectrum of a noise signal that often (but not always) would be titled according to the color of light with similar spectra. This seemed like an interesting task to play with computationally on both - sound and color sides.


The colored noises have also been quite popular recently in the area of mediation and focus practices. There’s been claims that immersive sounds like white, brown and pink noises may help the brain to focus, sleep or relax — especially for people with A.D.H.D., and although there have been no solid scientific proofs, there’s definitely been a trend.

However I was not able to figure out how to create a comprehensive interactive experience based on it yet, so I decided to shift the focus to something that would be more experiential.

Some key aspects I ended up considering for the project:

This list helped me to envision an experience that would look more like a collective performance, so when I started digging through my collection of references I quickly remembered a device that I got a couple years ago (but never got to use).

This particular device I have is called Playtronica TOUCHME and is created for human body interaction, but it’s actually pretty simple - it is creating a circuit between the device, any organic material that contains water and power source.

In a nutshell: